POLAR XPRESS – February 22, 2021

From the top

A clear voice: plain and simple!

What is plain language? It is communication that uses common words and short sentences. Plain language helps your readers find what they want or need to know, using vocabulary they understand. Ultimately, it supports accessibility, inclusion, and understanding.

Shared Services Canada (SSC) hosts monthly workshops offered in one-hour sessions or three-hour sessions. POLAR staff can register by writing to the SSC plain language inbox.

speech bubbles

New Canada School of Public Service events

Urban Inuit Experiences

While most Inuit live in one of the four regions of Inuit Nunangat, approximately 30% now live outside of their traditional homeland. Many Inuit in the urban South are only the second or third generation of their families to live in these cities. Other Inuit are finding that they must temporarily leave the North to access medical care, education or other services.

Date and time: March 2, 2021 | 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (ET)
Registration deadline: March 2, 2021, 10:00 am (ET)
Language: English, with interpretation in French
Location: This event will be delivered virtually. A link to the live broadcast will be provided to registered participants.
Audience: All public servants at all levels
Register for webcast

Please note, prior to registering for an event, you must request permission from your supervisor.

POLAR’s people

POLAR’s new Communications Manager

The Communications team is elated to introduce its newest member Asha St-Hilaire, the manager of Communications! Asha is joining the team from Shared Services Canada, where she held the position of Senior Communications Advisor.

Learning and performance

Inuktut word of the week

The Inuktut word of the week is: ugjuk | ᐅᒡᔪᒃ. It means “bearded seal”.

Pronounce it like this: oog-jook

Listen to the pronunciation here:


Are you ready to Talk the Talk?

Talk the talk: As gentle as a lamb


Key outcomes from Executive Team Meeting (ETM)

Here are the key outcomes from the February 17, 2021, ETM:

  • Members reviewed the procurement log and discussed what is achievable this fiscal year and what is being planned for next fiscal year. Managers were encouraged to cross reference the procurement log with their work plans for 2021-22 to ensure that they are aligned.
  • The current financial forecast was also reviewed, with each accountable manager making a short presentation on the status of their budget, forecast and variances.
  • The President requested that for the next budget-focussed ETM that Finance prepare a short informal training session on financial year-end processes and mechanics to better equip delegated managers in planning for fiscal year-end.

Workplace notices

Bringing you another crossword puzzle!

Indigenous communities across the North have a long cultural history of hunting seals and using as many parts as possible. Seals have been used for survival in Northern communities for a long time, providing many necessities of life: food, warmth, light and shelter. Seal hide, because it’s waterproof and warm, is ideal for clothing and boots, while the oil has been used historically to fuel lamps. The animal’s meat is also rich in nutrients and flavour.

We hope you enjoy this new, exciting crossword about seals!

crossword preview