POLAR XPRESS – May 6, 2021

From the top

Canadian Mental Health Association Mental Health Week

Long description is available below

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Graphic showing the following emotions: happy, afraid, sad, angry

Get ready to #GetReal

CMHA Mental Health Week

May 3 to May 9, 2021

Visit mentalhealthweek.ca for info and tools!

This year's Mental Health Week is focused on naming, expressing and dealing with your emotions, not numbing them. Recognizing your emotions and naming the feeling is incredibly important to your mental health. Join the conversation on social media by naming your emotions with #GetReal.

Mental Health resources:

Options for conflict resolution

View the infographic here!

Graphic containing resources for workplace conflict

POLAR's people

Employee profiles

Getting to know your colleagues isn’t as simple as an introduction in the office anymore. With these different times, POLAR communications will be featuring employees in the POLAR XPRESS. The Employee Profile questions are available for download, once completed please send it back to the communications inbox.

Meghan Provost

Caption for Meghan Provost available below

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Surname: Provost

Given name: Meghan

Works here: Ottawa

On staff since: 2021

Date of issue: 2021-05-03

Passport number: 6136975091

Department: Corporate Services

Question Answer
Name Meghan Provost
Job title Executive Director, Corporate Services
Your department Corporate Services
What year did you start working for POLAR? 2021
Where are you based? My cold and dark basement (in Ottawa)
What inspired you to join POLAR? As a scientist by training, and as someone who loves working in Corporate Service enabling an organization to deliver on its mandate, joining POLAR as ED, CS seemed like a perfect fit.
Before joining POLAR, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve held? I’m so grateful that each job I’ve had, whether as a public servant, in academia, or as a student, has taught me so much. However, I would say my most interesting job was working at photo processing plant, back when people used cameras with film (yes, I have dated myself). I got to live vicariously through other people’s photos… like social media, before social media was a thing.
What hobbies do you have? I compete in (complete?) triathlons, so when I’m not working, or parenting, I’m training. I think/hope that my regular physical activity moderates my energy level to a level tolerable to my family and colleagues. Paradoxically, I also enjoy sitting on my couch and reading mindless books.
Share something interesting and unexpected about yourself. There are so many fun facts to share, but I will provide one to keep some items for if we ever do the “two truths, one lie” team building game. How about this tidbit? In 2007, I was contacted by Cosmopolitan because they wanted to do a little blurb on some of my research.

Clara Young

Caption for Clara Young available below

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Surname: Young

Given name: Clara

Works here: Virtual

On staff since: 2019

Date of issue: 2021-05-03

Passport number: 3435427091

Department: Communications

Question Answer
Name Clara Young
Job title Communications Support Officer
Your department Communications, President’s Office
What year did you start working for POLAR? 2019
Where are you based? Coming to you virtually from the Ottawa Valley! I’m based out of the Ottawa office though.
What are you most proud of at POLAR? What do you feel is your strongest accomplishment? Bringing POLAR’s social media channels to life.
What was your favourite POLAR project? Creating and implementing the Northern Scientific Training Program’s Instagram campaign. I am so proud to see the beautiful photos being shared with the public.
Share something interesting and unexpected about yourself. During my summer break from college, I lived in Northern Italy where I worked as an au pair. While the children were in school, I attended Italian language classes at a local high school. During my off time, I had the opportunity to travel all around Italy with two amazing girls who were also working as au pairs.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sushi. Or French fries. But sushi offers more variety so... Sushi, definitely. Especially with avocado.

Learning and performance

Human Resources tip of the week!

Combating stigma related to mental illness, suicide, and substance use starts with how we use language — something that continuously evolves. This is why it’s important to be aware of outdated language used in the media and in our day-to-day.

For example, instead of saying “It drives me crazy,” more respectful language would be, “It bothers/annoys/frustrates me.” Instead of saying, “This individual suffers from depression,” consider saying “They live with/are experiencing depression.” Everyone can be a champion against stigma when advocating the use of accurate and respectful language. So, as you communicate with others, be mindful of the impact of your language.

Inuktut word of the week

The Inuktuk word of the week is: takuniaqquguk | ᑕᑯᓂᐊᖅᑯᒍᒃ. It means, see you in a bit.

Pronounce it like this: ta-koo-nyaq-qoo-gook

Listen to the pronunciation here:

Have a word you would like to see in Inuktut? Send us an email: polarxpresspolaire@polar.gc.ca.

Are you ready to Talk the Talk?

Talk the talk: One thing led to another

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Talk the Talk

Graphic shows a button, a sewing needle, and a string

One thing led to another

In context: I bumped into a friend at the mall and we started talking. Before I knew it, one thing led to another and she'd shared all the juicy details of her story.

Workplace notices

Winter–Spring 2021 POLAR Update

POLAR’s latest newsletter has been released highlighting a wide range of topics! If you haven’t already, be sure to check it out.

Generic Teams Background

A generic POLAR background has been created for staff to use during teams or zoom meetings.

How to use a custom background
  1. Before joining a meeting, a page will appear "choosing your video and audio options."
  2. Under the video preview, select "background filters." This will open your background settings.
  3. Click the "+ add new" button at the top.
  4. Follow the file path to the stored photos, click "open."
  5. The uploaded photo swill appear at the bottom of the "background settings" page.
  6. You can now select any background you wish and preview it before joining the meeting.

** Note: In the video preview, the background will appear to be mirrored; however, viewers will see the image correctly.